
We need to battle darkness with light

The rabbi who survived the deadly shooting at a synagogue near San Diego Saturday addressed members of the media and offered words of courage and inspiration. Speaking in front of Chabad of Poway Sunday afternoon, Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein said, “We need to battle darkness with light,” and thanked President Trump for calling him after the shooting.

“I see a sight that is indescribable,” the rabbi recalled of running into the gunman. “Here is a young man with a rifle, pointing right at me. And I look at him. He has sunglasses on. I couldn’t see his eyes. I couldn’t see his soul. I froze.” Goldstein, who lost a couple of fingers in the shooting, raised his bandaged hands to the cameras throughout his news conference.

Hundreds gathered at a park near the temple for a vigil honoring the victims Sunday night. They held candles and listened to prayers in Hebrew, The Associated Press reports. Poway Mayor Steve Vaus said he would stand with the community, and Goldstein said seeing the crowd come together provided consolation. “What happened to us, happened to all of us,” Goldstein said.

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A Message From His Excellency Mikhael Jaime Shamis Mezrahi, Prime Minister of the Principality of San Bernardino

His Excellency Mikhael Jaime Shamis Mezrahi, Prime Minister of the Principality of San Bernardino, working directly in global business and humanitarian projects has come to understand keenly, the symmetry of business and politics. Through his endeavors, HE Mikhael Jaime Shamis Mezrahi has contributed to overall socio-economic well-being and development of various Humanitarian Projects and initiatives that have, and continue to have impact on our global society.

HE Shamis-Mezrahi’s involvement with Humanitarian and Peace initiatives began in his college days while as a student, he convened the first inter-faith youth group that focused on promoting peace among the diversity of students at the University of Arizona. Upon his relocation to California to further his studies, he was involved in various groups promoting and supporting peace efforts in the Middle East. These groups and the community involvement of HE Shamis-Mezrahi had a tremendous influence in his values and motivations in maintaining a focus on Peace initiatives throughout his professional and personal life.

HE Shamis-Mezrahi maintains his sponsorship patronage of various regional Peace endeavors, education, and community development in his global travels. HE Shamis-Mezrahi has endeavored to include this patronage in aspects of business development throughout his projects. “We build strength within, by reaching out.” HE Shamis-Mezrahi has continued to encourage his staff to also remember the necessity to give back to go forward. Water supply and tree planting projects are a great way for people to get involved in a personal way that helps the environment and the population at the same time.

There is more philanthropic work we must do, HE Shamis-Mezrahi; “we must encourage our youth to be more active in building strength of mind and character among their peers. We must lead by example; give them our support, knowledge and experience; so they can build a stronger future for their families.”

HE Shamis-Mezrahi’s strength lies in his forward thinking and understanding of the necessary blend of politics and business that impacts people directly in the nations and communities in which they exist. “We have an incredible opportunity, indeed a responsibility, to our fellow human-beings to ensure that our global family, our children, and the legacy we leave to those yet to come; are at peace, prosperous, educated and free.”

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